
Standing Committee on Energy Takes Notice of Electricity Infrastructure Theft

The Standing Committee on Energy (Power Division) taking a strict view of the failure of police to address pervasive theft of electricity infrastructure has decided to call the Provincial Inspector General of Police to discuss the non-cooperation of the police department in taking any legal action against culprits.

The Committee also directed Power Division to collect details of FIRs registered throughout the country into such incidents. The Committee met under the Chairmanship of Sardar Riaz Mehmood Khan Mazari, MNA in Parliament House.

The Members of the Committee were very critical of the performance of Distribution Companies especially in terms of the replacement of transformers, cables, and other parts aggravating the misery of people. They informed about the theft of transformers and other parts especially in rural areas. They said that DISCOs do not timely replace faulty or stolen parts on lame pretexts. The Members opined that had the culprits apprehended and penalized no one would have dared to steal. They also pointed out that the aspect of connivance of staff of Distribution company into those incidents could not be ruled out.

The Committee while discussing the Question referred to the Committee by the Assembly regarding non-compliance of guidelines provided in the Electricity Act 1910, disposed of the issue with direction for strict compliance of the guidelines provided in the Law, before initiating construction of new transmission lines. The Committee also directed Power Division to ask provinces to pass on directions to all the civic bodies to ensure that no one gets permission to construct commercial or residential buildings which could prove hazardous to human lives or property.

The Committee was apprised of the village electrification schemes in Faisalabad and Multan Electricity supply Regions. The Committee directed the completion of schemes without delay on those schemes whose material had been procured. The Committee also directed for rehabilitation of electricity infrastructure damaged due to last year’s floods and the recent cyclone. The Members from Sindh complained about the slow progress on the rehabilitation work in their province. The Committee also directed Power Division to ensure strict compliance of load shedding schedules.

The Secretary Power Division assured the Committee that the timelines would be ensured. He was apprised of the Relief provided to electricity consumers as per an announcement by the Prime Minister whose houses were demolished in the floods in the year 2022. He further assured that the details of FIRs registered countrywide would be collected and shared with the Committee.

The Committee taking into account the complaints of Members from Sindh appointed a Sub Committee to discuss issues related to the rehabilitation/construction of electricity infrastructure in HESCO and SEPCO regions. The Committee also referred Questions sent by the House regarding the upgradation of infrastructure in the SEPCO region, the issue of line losses, and the non-recovery of bills to the Sub Committee for discussion and report.

The Committee meeting was attended by Members of the Committee, Movers of the Matters referred to the Committee by the House, the Secretary Power Division, and other senior officers of the Ministry and Distribution Companies.

Source: Pro Pakistani